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I am revealing a new tea fact every week, based on my new research adventures. The tea facts will all be listed here:
1. During the early trade years of tea in China, tea was considered “liquid jade” due to it’s high commodity value in the market?
2. Did you know that women’s rights and tea are connected?

During the early 1700s in London, tea was sold in coffeehouses–a place that thinkers and innovators often met up to share ideas. And in these coffeehouse drinkers were men, so the coffeehouse became a men only establishment. Then, a man by the name of Thomas Twining (yes, of that Twining that you see with tea today) opened a shop to sell tea, specifically to sell tea to women.
Women of the day were allowed to buy tea for their household, and this unlike any other time in their life! In the past, women had to rely on men to purchase the tea for them. This was a huge step in the commodity of tea, and quite a smart move by Mr. Twining, I’d say!
I wonder if this has to do with the association of tea with feminine energy today? What do you think? Let me know in the speak your mind section below!
3. Did you know that the caffeine in tea makes it repel insects? Tea is a crop that does not often have major insect issues.
Are you ready to tell your friends you tea facts in style? Order a custom tea set by clicking here! You won’t regret this having a one of a kind piece for your tea centered gatherings!!!
Sources for my tea fact finding:
Rose, Sarah. For All the Tea in China: How England Stole the World’s Favorite Drink and Changed History. London: Hutchinson, 2009.
Standage, Tom. A History of the World in 6 Glasses. New York: Walker & Company, 2005.