soul cycle

What if I made the wrong choice?

Our lives are riddled with choice. Maybe I should say, our lives are littered with choice. This is a beautiful thing, to have choice, yet a really challenging thing at times. Too much choice can feel like internal chaos. As well, too much choice can feel like ultimate freedom. Here’s the scenario: you want to[…]

Do you need to know the answer all the time?

It’s not about understanding and knowing it all, but about honoring where you are.  A few weeks ago, I listened to this TED talk by Julia Galef. In summary, she discusses about cultivating the mindset of curiosity, like a scout in the military.  The scout’s role is to understand, to see what’s out there, and[…]

There’s nothing wrong with you

What if I told you today, there’s nothing wrong with you? Would you furrow your brow and try to argue that yes…there is something wrong with you. Would your shoulders relax at the reminder your internal being already knows? Would you lean in a bit with curiosity at what I mean? Dear one, there is[…]

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