
My Art Making Process

Last week, my beloved sister-in-law took a moment to publicly thank me, among some other creative minds, for shining the light on the path of being able to creatively go for it. I was humbled beyond words, because–to me this is my life service. To create, to share beauty, to live from that place of[…]

The Secret to Creativity

I have a secret that I want to share with you. It’s a secret that everyone has, everyone talks about, and that all of us blame, shame, and fight a bit. The secret to creativity is……sleep. Getting enough sleep is important. Our bodies heal, our brains cells grow, and our spirit rejuvenates during sleep. Often,[…]

Living a Creative Life – My one Simple Step

On how living a creative life is achieved, but is the opposite of all I’ve done… Go. Hurry. Finish. To-do. Achieve. Be on time. Goals. Plans. Go. I am writing this blog post yoga class bliss. My friend, teacher, and a delightful influence in my life, Deirdre Smith-Gilmer has created a great community for exploring[…]

Finding the Love of your Life

again, and again, and again and again…. This blog post is about love. It’s about me finding the love of my life. But what really lies behind these words is a journey of finding the self love and self worth. I adore my husband to the moon and back. I could write page after page[…]

Allow One thing Today

There are many ways we can open to the the concept of allowing in our daily life. For instance, I got a compliment recently and had to really, really, really pause and say thank you instead of no, I wasn’t that great. It felt really delightful to allow in that moment. The ultimate delight comes in knowing I am re-patterning the way[…]

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