
The truth about what I want

Recently, I was going through a rough patch, as we all do from time to time. Important relationships were appearing in my life like relation-shits (as my dear friend Jana Kellam teaches), several of my mechanical tools broke within 24 hours, and I was fearful and stressed about all the details of my life. Honestly,[…]

What if I told you?

What if I told you that you don’t have to wait for permission to be creative? What if I told you failure was part of the process of creativity–a part that you can’t and shouldn’t avoid? One of my biggest internal roadblocks when expressing myself is waiting for the right time. Waiting for someone else[…]

Do you rent or own your creativity?

Today, I want to take you on an analogy journey so you may relate in a new way to your creativity. All of my adult life, I’ve been an apartment and house renter. I have thankfully had amazing landlords that help me to feel like my home is always taken care of when issues arise—like the heating[…]

What exactly is creativity?

Hmmmm….the word creativity is used a lot these days. It can mean innovation, it can mean a solution to a problem, it can mean a spark or an “aha” moment that comes into our being. In this video, I break down what I believe creativity to mean. In short, I want you to own your[…]

As February ends, I reflect

February dances into March, with a sweet southern snowstorm to grace our presence. As I write this note, I have my accounting software open on my computer (tax season is here, oh my!). I am reflecting on this year since stepping into my art and coaching business full time, and wowsus ~ what a year![…]

How to Heal your Heart Chakra in 5 easy steps

heal your heart chakra “The best and most beautiful things in the world can not be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart.” ~ Helen Keller With all the heart shaped chocolates and love themed cards in stores, if you didn’t know it was Valentine’s Day in the US, you’d think we were a culture obsessed with[…]

A love affair

This love affair like all others you know. Inspecting all the smallest aspects that you love about your love… Being love struck and forgetting about other priorities… Lots of private time to out what your chemistry is like… But, here’s the one part that may be different than all other love affairs you’ve experienced. This[…]

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