The other day I spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to photoshop my face.
I have a bunch of swelling under my eyes these days from a unique combination of genetics, crying, and sleeplessness.
I have a skin tag on my lower eye lid that sometimes I imagine is all people see when they view me.
This is a small example of a bigger picture thing for me:
I feel like if I can perfect myself, my message, my timing, my image…then I won’t feel the pain that’s there.
It’s not true.
It fact, it causes me more pain to work so darn hard at ridding myself, and the world, of imperfectness.
Why I share this today is for two reasons:
- to give you a glimpse of this because maybe you something similar, and hearing you’re not alone softens you.
- to remind you that your purpose is to listen to your heart and spirit.
What’s right way for you?
How can you be vulnerable, imperfect, and still show up for life, making a change, and improving yourself?
When I practice listening to myself, not ALL the other opinions out there, I can truly let go of fixing myself, and others.
Then, I know my actions change the world.
Dear one…
Maybe you’re the only one like you, and that frightens you or makes you sad.
Your voice is needed.
Maybe you are deep in the darkness right now.
Trust that time changes it all.
Maybe you’re waiting to take the next step but don’t see what’s in front of you.
Your job is to find a way to hear yourself, first and foremost.
No matter what you’re going through today, please know that no photoshop is needed.
You’re necessary, your work is important, and most of all — you can make a difference by your very being here.
Let’s move from the inside out. That’s how all growth and change occurs, right?
From the roots upwards…we can and we will do this.

Dive deeper with me, in my one-on-one work, here.