
Listen to yourself

What I’ve been culminating in the quiet and chaos of this time is various forms of this message: There’s no one out there that can answer the direction of your path but you. AND, all your story, trauma, sorrow, joy, and experience is there (not to be ignored or bypassed) as you keep making the[…]

Document your Day

Document your day is series of 28 prompts to help creatives grieve ambiguous loss caused by COVID-19. Daily actions, such as taking a photo or journaling events, gives perspective and a sense of agency during times of loss.  Ambiguous loss, a term coined by therapist Dr. Pauline Boss, is a grief that has no closure,[…]

Start with what you know

In ancestry research, a big fear in starting is not knowing where to begin. It can feel complicated at least to all the sudden add branches to your family tree. But here’s the thing: you start with the ancestor you know the most about. Then, you work from there.  Actually, I’m certain that this feeling[…]

The Great Confusion

During the era of covid-19, we’re all probably confused about something. What can we do to get clarity? In the recent months, people have been given a lot of advice on how to live. Way more than we’ve ever, in our timeline, been given. And the advice given is as varied dumplings are across cultures[…]

Time management is a feminist issue

Recently, I’ve been researching my ancestry. While uncovering all the layers and connections in my heritage has been thrilling, I’m also dismayed at how hard it is to find out about the women in my lineage. Census data is often centered around the head of the household, aka the cis gendered man. The way we[…]

No photoshop necessary

The other day I spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to photoshop my face. I have a bunch of swelling under my eyes these days from a unique combination of genetics, crying, and sleeplessness. I have a skin tag on my lower eye lid that sometimes I imagine is all people see when they[…]

Why is it so hard to be a beginner?

As a mama, I have the most unique privilege to witness my son’s firsts. Witnessing a tiny human learn to be in his body from crawling to standing to walking and now running almost as fast as his parents – it’s nothing short of remarkable. Now, I get to witness the first processing of ideas[…]

You’re going to get it wrong. Do it anyways

Black lives matter. We’re all experiencing a huge upheaval, a revolution that is reminding us that systemic racism in people is killing innocent black, brown, and people of color. My calling to you today, if you’re in space of: I don’t know what to do — is to acknowledge this: You’re going to get it[…]

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