Author: Rose C

Making a choice is important

Radiant and creative one, In this studio diary, I discuss materials I love to use. Not because I think they’re better than others. These materials are the ones I love to use because I’ve chosen to love to use them. I’m reading this book, The Paradox of Choice by Richard Swartz, and he really validates[…]

This is where you belong

Love, You may have been following along and know this, but I’m in a deep transitional time of life. I’m finding my footing as a solopreneur, after a really long creative winter, and I’ve had a lot of revelations. A big one is that community that surrounds itself around business achievements feels yucky to be[…]

You’re doing great

I’m not going to sugar coat this: I often feel like I’m falling behind or that I’m not doing great or that I’m my biggest block to living a shinier life. It’s not easy to feel this way, yet through my years of intimate conversations with women like me, I know I’m not alone. Today’s[…]

Why do we make art?

It’s not for the gram…I’ll tell you that. Why do we create? Why do we make art? Why do we feel the urge to keep producing idea after idea? Sometimes, these questions come up in my sessions and it often is out of frustration. Have you ever heard yourself saying: if I only could be free[…]

This drives me bonkers about my industry

I make art. I talk about the creative process as a way to know yourself. The things I do and teach fall into the self growth/self improvement industry. And here’s something I’ve noticed, something that drives me absolutely bonkers. You’re on the path to knowing yourself. You grow, you cry, you change. You come to[…]

Don’t be the giving tree

There’s nothing wrong with giving. Yet, it’s a trait we take on – one that morphs into sacrifice and martyrdom quickly – especially as parents. We live in an interesting time to be parents, to be so aware of the psychological influence we have on our children. As written in this NYT article, you don’t[…]

Death is important to creativity

Let’s talk about death. We live in a culture where death seems like the worst thing that can happen to you. And I get it, I don’t want to die. I hurt when those I love die. But…death is something no one has ever escaped. The other day I picked up a children’s book that[…]

The woman in the vinegar bottle

This is an expanded version of a popular post I did on instagram recently. The woman in the vinegar bottle. Y’all know that tale? It goes like this:  A woman lived in a vinegar bottle and was unhappy with her circumstances. (Don’t blame you, sister.) She asked for a bigger house. A cottage with space.[…]

Give thanks to your hands

As I write this, I’m using my hands and not truly thinking about how much they’re feeling, sensing, and creating. When I really step back, I realize: my hands are amazing. Yet, they often get overused and under nourished. Can you relate that under nourished feeling to any other part of your life or body[…]

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