Whoa ya’ll. As I planned my 2020, I was very excited to debut my membership program, Time Keeper Collective, in March. As the days rolled closer to my launch date coronavirus was buzzing. But it was still, well, over there. Just make sure to wash your hands, right? Last week when I was actively enrolling[…]
3 myths that keep you from doing what you wanna
Yes. I’m totally grabbing you in with a catchy headline because of this one thing: I want you to be able to do what you feel called to do. It’s time to break down what keeps you from taking a step. So, let us begin. You stop yourself from doing what you wanna because you[…]
When nothing lights you up
Recently, I wrote about my turmoil of feelings while waiting to hear back about a job opportunity, and also about running my online business. If you read those, and are reading this today, I’ll go ahead and claim my theme as of late: I’m evaluating. And I had a few blogs planned to write today,[…]
How to make time for your art when you don’t have time
My consulting practice has changed a lot over the years. I’ve gone from working in organizing archives, to birth coaching, to chakra readings, to creativity coaching. Here’s the #1 thing that all my beloved clients deal with, in some form or another. Feeling like they don’t have enough time. Especially when it comes to being[…]
Welcome to my studio
I’ve been going live on instagram for a few months now, every week. Why I’ve done this is to revolutionize the way that artists create and share. So much is behind closed doors – and as a person who likes to keep things private, I get it. Yet we live in an age where we[…]
What I did list
I want to share a practice with you that I’ve started. It’s called the what I did list. Here’s how it goes: at the end of the day, or sometimes before I pick up my son from preK, I write a list of what I’ve done. It can include what I started, what I dreamt[…]
Time management for creatives
Time management for creatives, by a creative who keeps it real.
Healing from Cesarean
Today, I take a detour from my usual posts about creativity, art, and finding inner peace. Actually, this isn’t at all far from those subjects because I believe all in life is interconnect, in ways we never quite understand, even. As a friend of mine approached a having an cesarean, she asked me about what[…]
Start where you are
“WE ALREADY HAVE everything we need. There is no need for self-improvement. All these trips that we lay on ourselves—the heavy-duty fearing that we’re bad and hoping that we’re good, the identities that we so dearly cling to, the rage, the jealousy and the addictions of all kinds—never touch our basic wealth. They are like[…]
May I always have the courage to change my mind
Certain things I once believed to be true are rising up to be evaluated. Though I know life isn’t black/white, reframing many of the stories and things I’ve been telling myself feels liberating to me right now. (editing to add: In no way does me declaring these things take away from your real lived experience.[…]