I believe we are all on this earth because we are conduits for a greater creative power. Chances are, if you’ve been attracted to my writings and art and life, you jive with this idea. I have been thinking lately of what a creative block feels like to me, and how I often the need to over come a creative block in those around me.
It is part of my life service to support people like you in finding creative freedom. So here I reflect to you today…
Our ability to speak, and to give words to our feelings, is one of our main communication gateways. Think of this in example of how many people choose words or phrases to be part of their resolution for the New Year. We need communication to connect to ourselves, and to connect to one another. Words have so much power, don’t you agree?
Communication is at the root of all our creative life endeavors. Sometimes, our creativity can feel filled with commotion or confusion when not properly accessed. In example, when creativity in the form of communication is blocked, it can come into our life in a dark way, or with a shadow side so to speak. False rumors, gossip, and harsh self-talk are all ways that our blocked creative communication can surface. Have you ever experienced this shadow side of creative energy?
Here are 15 signs that you may be creatively blocked:
- feeling bored or directionless
- experiencing reoccurring nightmares
- holding issues with trusting others or breaking trust in others
- feeling spacey or unsure about your purpose
- bloating and issues with your digestion
- spending too much time on the internet
- feeling overly tired and fatigued
- being unable to receive compliments
- worrying excessively about the future
- seeking praise and approval from others in your actions
- having a diminished sense of God or a Divine presence in your daily life
- feeling remorseful about your past life decisions
- being habitually late for your meetings or meet ups
- experiencing with communication, as in speaking out of turn or too much
- forgetting simple things, like why you walked into a room
I write this list to you because I have experienced all of these aspects of creative block at some point or another. I have learned so much about what this means for me, and want to teach you to experience your own creative freedom. I want you to overcome whatever may be causing your creative block.
Take a moment right now, and pause and reflect on your great and beautiful life, and then ask yourself: Where I feeling blocked creatively?
I want to offer you one quick and timeless remedy to overcome a creative block:
Take a walk. Your inner artist will be born again and again from this simple act. Commit yourself to a 30 minute walk, once a day or once every other day. Find a place that you can lose yourself a bit in nature. Walking will help to metabolize and burn away the shadow aspects of your creativity. Take a walk, and begin to notice the places where you can feel more creative freedom in your day. Writer Julia Cameron writes in her book Walking in this World:
Too often in our modern culture we mistake the head for the source of all wisdom rather than the manufacturer of malcontent.
What these words mean for you is this: open yourself up to not knowing everything. Take a real break during your day to let the Divine speak to you and your creative energies. Simple and perfect in so many ways is this one remedy to overcome a creative block: take a walk to experience your creative freedom.
Awaken your senses, move your body, and release your mind’s chatter to make way for your clear communicative creative self, today and always ~ this is my deepest wish for you.