
Sometime’s it’s the smallest things

Sometimes it’s the smallest things that stop you suddenly in your tracks. Yesterday, when I was walking outside I came across these tiny flowers sprouting out their branches. Being that it was the first day of Autumn yesterday, I was so enamored by the subtle beauty of a new flower. At first I was going to[…]

Shakespeare and the overgrown grass

A little over a week ago, I debuted new art and gave a short talk on my art + life process. In the days leading up my event, I started to feel vulnerable and wondered if putting myself, my work, and my words out there was truly worth the preparation and the unknown. When I[…]

I’ve done it again

Tomorrow night I am displaying my art + giving a talk about my creative process.  Often, I get to this point in my art making that I don’t know if anything I create is good anymore. As I prepare for my night of exhibition, I see that my feelings are magnified by the vulnerability of showing[…]

Rituals that keep me creatively rooted

In all the hats I wear (as an artist, a blogger, a doula, a mentor, a wife, a sister, a daughter, an auntie, + friend) I get disconnect from myself, my roots, from time to time. It’s easy in our busy life to forget the whole picture of our big, beautiful life. What I do[…]

Are you afraid of the dark?

An invocation for your creative dreams to be born… As a people, we often bully the dark. I hear from my clients the deep struggle with the dark, coming forth as fearful thoughts or doubt. The collective belief is that engaging the darkness is often considered bad or wrong or destructive. There is so much emphasis on[…]

3 big lessons learned from being dumped

As a woman who decided on a committed relationship near 30, I know a thing or two about being dumped romantically. The pain, the anguish, the confusion, the straight up pain in your chest, the relief; all of these aspects of a break up were on my doorstep a few days ago. What I experienced wasn’t a romantic[…]

Unlock your answers

When I dive deep into myself, or as I like to say when I google scan my internal network of knowing, I find my answers. This is diving deep, this uncovering, this unlocking of self…this is at the core of what I do, and this is at the core of what my business practice contains:[…]

Hitching Happiness to a Happening

I had a revelation this morning. I, like many of us, wait for my expectations to occur in order to then become happy. Ohhh, this is so challenging to admit to you, because I teach VERY topic of expectations and being rid of they to almost all of my clients. (truth: I never ever claim[…]

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